Five hundred years ago the Empire of Brackish Moor was founded and forged in blood, fire, and steel. A dozen minor Kingdoms either joined with or were absorbed by the Empire, and the vanguard of their military might was the band known as the Iron Wolves.
Originally formed as a mercenary band, the Wolves earned the personal trust of the Emperor when they saved his life from an assassination attempt at the cost of one of their own. Soon they were honored with rank and titles, and continued military service until, after a century their mercenary past was largely forgotten in favor of loyal service to the Empire.
Over the years, membership changed as people came and went. Adventures were had, villains bested, from the vile, demonic usurper Xethnorak Shadowbane to the sorcerous overlord Grendel the Mad. Many monsters were slain, including zombies, orcs, and creatures that many in the Empire assumed were dragons.
However, the Empire that took decades to build and had stood for half a millennia fell, screaming and burning, in a matter of days.