*A letter pinned to the tavern outside of the doors with a candle says the following* It is said, that when we perish, non of our keepsakes, gold or even our body can be taken with us to the gates of Kierna and Noktal.... But there is one thing we can take which lasts forever, that not even death nor time could take away from you. It is your light. The very light in your soul that holds your Love and your Memories created when you are alive. It tis for this reason, why passive gentle spirits during the thinning veil are often found with a glow in their hands. This glow is their brilliance, their soul, their emotions, their inner memories.... The one thing that lasts for all eternity.
And could only be made when alive... Your Light. For this reason, I invite you all, to bring a personal candle of your choosing, to represent you and your inner soul and have it nested within the Shrine of Inil. It can be as ever you like! But please no skulls or bones or organic flesh material. You can use glass, or with leaves, or painted,...of any size or height! But you must bring it every moon, and have it be blessed by me or a fellow priest of Inil. ((you'd receive a +1 AP)) So if you ever fall, and your spirit wanders seeking guidance back to the living?
Your spirit can find your way to the shrine, and myself and fellow Inilians can
bring you and your light back...
Seek me within the next moon if interested! You do not have to be a deep devotee to participate. Nor should it conflict with your devotion to other elders, after all, our Six Elders are constantly in harmony and working together! It is my dream to see the hundreds of candles surrounding the shrine, representing you all and our town.
Should you have doubt? Remember this, if you believe in the wise virtues of Joy, Courage, Hope, Love, Compassion, Kindness and Truth? Then you believe in the Eldest I'nil! Do not be afraid, for she cares for you all more than you'd ever know...

May I'nil's gentle and courageous love be with you all in the rising moonlight, especially in our darkest moments.
Kindest Regards,
Priestess of Inil
Aleena Cloudlily
Out of Character Note:
PM me if there are questions, I ask kindly please no real candles and no odd colored LED lights (flashy, neon, etc ). The containers can be glass, plastic, etc, but immersive :3