The lone wood dock was a singlular outstrech arm out to the lake, made of whitewashed planks and logs.
No activity or crates to be seen here, the dock streched unadorned and empty to the horizon, with no boat or sailors to occupy it.
The sun began to set behind the silohuette of trees, it melted like a veil made of warm honey. All so silent.
The tranquil waters of the lake met the sea at the horizon, it too glittered like gold coins from the dying sun in complete silemce.
The forest that embraced the lake's edges exhailed a low fog in to the waters, a mist forming where the sun did not hit. All of it was in deafening silence.
This natural world was teamimg with its own visual language; colorful, active and wild, yet noone could hear it.
Much like Aleena's heart.
The only figure at this hour, was a petite maiden with long white hair and a simple white robe at the entrance of the docks. Her eyes panned about to the world, swimimg with thoughts and memories lost somewhere in this symphony of nature?
Teaming with chambers of feelings, but unable to speak them besides a lamenting gaze. She was holding a wreath of leaves and acorns painted white. There were no flowers to spare for such a thing,...
There was also a single paper lantern in the middle. It was all the little priestess could afford in these times of calamity, making due with abundant items.
The cool wind blew against her white long hair messily as she gazed down to the wreath in her hands, clenching her fingers around it.
( it has been nearly two years....) she said to herself. Give a month or two by her counting, the anniversary of the great fire happened during this season.
She couldn't believe it, where did the time go? Why does it feel slower?
She embraced the memorial wreath to herself and began a slow descent toward the end of the dock,
The planks that ached with each step was the only thing breaking yhe silence, she felt haunted by the solitude.
(...is this wreath for me? or for them?...) she asked herself, feeling her eyes swell.
A part of her hoped others would join her, but with this weather she did not blame them if they did not. It was just so cold....