Commander Artorious enters the Tavern and nails a document to the wall. It reads:
People of New Haven, I am calling a Summit of all the leaders within New Haven in order for us to talk about our future together and to work out our differences as we develop more here in Doristane.
This Summit will take place Saturday next week at noon in the Low Town Tavern. The following Leaders of the listed groups need give representation:
The Moordenar
The Order of the Knights Transcendents
The Hedge Riders
The Iron Wolves
The Crow Company
The White Wolves
The Temple of the Six
The Druids
The Healers Guild
The Bard College
The Church of Noktal
All others not listed that wish to be a part of the Summit shall represent at least five refugees and provide proof in the form of signatures.
All attendees may bring their own scribe. If not we will have copies made for the New Haven Library and Temple Library.
The Leaders of each group will either attend or nominate a representative who has the authority to act on their behalf. The Leaders of each group can sign below and declare who will be attending.
Hold the Line
Davus Artorious Cinncinatus
Legion Command
(All people who plan to attend can comment below. Before game-on there will be a physical representation in the High Town Tavern for all attendees to sign or we could include your guild and signature on the printed copy before game. Comment in responses below or contact myself via facebook to specify.
All attendees should avoid standing watch or seeking MODs during this time.)