((This note is strictly in Character - IC )) -------------- * a note on an empty dispenser of pineapple juice says the following*
I, Aleena Cloudlily, will no longer provide Pineapple Lemonade as of today. After the villainous Cyanid poisoning secretly mixed in to my stand a few nights ago, I no longer trust New Haven to even allow simple drinking to be enjoyed without murder or stealing. To who ever did this, I may represent the light, and I will not hurt you, but you will not be spared by my scornful tongue!
You've allowed my hard work of providing refreshing and wonderful libations on a hot day to be a vessel of murder out of the pure purpose of enjoying others to die, just to prove how cunning and choatically smart you are. You damn vile shadow-parking cunt! You could have killed someone I loved dearly!
I pray that who ever felt the need to kill others so needlessly would find healing in their void black yaldson heart for desiring such a vicious, homicidal, cruel, fatal, death-dealing, soul-breaking, Noktal-spitting, cowardly act! You are a hallow soul, may Inil have mercy on you!
But in the meanwhile, as a white of mage, and a Priestess of Inil, I cannot allow this to continue, as such I am closing the stand. One cyanide attempt was one too many times, thankfully no one was hurt thanks to Kannoth who detected the poison early.
The risk of having others die because I simply wanted to make enough gold to attain flowers is too high. And the flowers? Simply to protect people in wards and give cleanses for free.
Yet despite this horror, I will continue to provide my supporting healing ritual services as always, ALWAYS, free. Even to those who speak ill of me or even hurt me, and yes, even the very person who did this act. And I will continue to do so with grace.
Should I ever ask for flowers for a ritual to assist you, it is simply because I have none to perform them. However, the Lemonade Stand and the Hot Apple Cider will no longer be served.
May another find a way to create a VAULT to simply sell innocent sweet drinks or a garrison to protect them.
Good Day.