New Haven, even in its short existence, has become a rich trove of tales, conflicts, and story. Unfortunately, it lacks a collective memory - we've precious few accounts of events, and even fewer accounts from multiple perspectives. The library, graciously maintained by the Bard's Guild, serves as a repository for documents of all natures. As well, the work done by the Elendari Dispatch is truly exemplary, but it focuses largely on present and upcoming events, leaving a substantial need for backfilling.
In days of old, in a land now desolate, we had many libraries, and whole orders dedicated to their preservation. One such was the Ordo Historia - run jointly by multiple groups of Inilians, Ordinites, and the non-devout alike. I am calling NOT for its reformation, but for a renewal of its spirit. No titles, rituals, or sigils will adorn us, but we will be as the mind of our world.
I will be speaking with as many groups as I can, collecting accounts of various events in our history, as well as other primary documents, and depositing them in the Bard's Guild library. If any others wish to assist in preserving our past to protect our future, please follow in the spirit of the Ordo Historia. If you wish to contact me, for whatever reason, I am far beyond willing to converse and convene.
Yours in the light,
Percival Belrose