((OOG: this letter is a response to post 'Writting on the Wall'. ))
Aleena gazing to the writing left by Decimus with the Laws, she held a scroll of her own against her chest, a response to each one written by the Legion. As a Priestess representing the humble glory of Inil, her Light and Love,...
The heart must speak.
The Light and the History of this place must speak.
And so she taps in the scroll beside it,
Do not conspire with Drow, undead or their agents.
Yes, I agree, as this is nothing new to anyone in New Haven. We are at war, and our enemies, despite their position against us, have nothing to contest. We, humans, halves, elves, kojins halflings, greylocs and dwarves alike, have the divine and instinctual right to live and find ourselves a home.
They, the Drow, see us as an invasion, but have forgotten why they live here. These lands were their exile, their place, their punishment for what they have done to our ancestors. And even if they concluded that this is their home, it does not belong exclusively to them. We too, as do every animal, flora and fauna have the ever rights to Live be Prosper and Tranquil, should it need to be displayed in the battle field so be it. It was done so 700 years ago, then so be it if it continues today...
Should any contest that we should bow, kneel or even submit to them for 'discarding them' or banishing them eons ago, will need to be severely reminded of the 3rd War and the many who perished and sacrifice to keep the dark elves's tyranny, oppression, enslavement and wrath from our home.
We deserve to live, let no one tell us otherwise.
Do not conduct blood magic /.Do not conduct necromancy.
I myself, and my followers of Inil have always contested against the use blood magic and necromancy for thousands of years. If others who possessed or wish to continue this craft, I myself will not go out of my way to hurt you unless you are a threat. I know many of you who own this craft, serve to protect this town. It is not my duty to chase shadows who do not threaten me or New Haven. I'm a priestess not a hunter.
However, please heed my warning from my personal studies,....
Necromancy is not natural. In my studies, and my experience, this magic although appearing useful has a double edge sword.
Many would conclude that the power of Noktal is what gives them divine ability to control other unconcious bodies, whether this is true or not is unknown.
But I will state this, this magic is not like any other. It is not elemental; like Fire or Water. Cast such magic on a corpse and it will simply burn or be washed.
There is no element or type of power that raises corpses. Even Bane or Holy alone does not do this. Ressurections are rituals to CALL back the soul, but only with Kierna's and Noktal's permission.Bodies can only move if they have a soul., and it is understood and believed that when a mage uses Necromancy they are actually embuing a fragment, as small as a grain of sand, of their own soul to control the body.
This is why the body can raise, but hardly has thought. This is how the necromancer can control it, it has a piece of themselves in it. Their mind, their energy.
But what should happen when so many fragments of your own soul is stripped, bit by bit, after countless of uses? You are slowly dying....feeling a void inside of you, loosing your soul and yourself. You will lose your ability to feel, your heart will grow cold, and sometimes,...if abused too much, forces the individual in to a maddness to fill this void with power.
Necromancy spawns very dark individuals over time. You may think using the magic for what seemed smart to cast off an enemy, but know deep down, you've just hurt yourself as well in the long run.
Try to avoid it, save your soul from the abuse.
Secondly, Necromancy has a powerful aura.
A very strong one, like blood in the air, predators can smell it.
There are countless of creatures, beings, and immortals that can smell this ability and who owns them. If some of you recalled, the immortals began showing up at New Haven, seeking the aid of necromancers, almost scenting them in the region.
Should you continue to use this magic, they will be attracted to you, follow you. haunt you and even threaten you and everyone in your vicinity.
You are inadvertently bringing threats into town by practicing this craft, and I am sure you do not want this. This dark energy is like blood in the water, it will attract sharks to us.
I advise, to those who have this craft, to abandon it and seek other ways to defend yourself.
So please heed my concerned warning, for your own sake and everyone you love.
Necromancy is a double edge sword, it ruins your soul and brings a dark karma to our world, please do not practice it.
Do not assault members of The Elendari.
To those who do not know the history of our town. These buildings, the resources, and the safety net to bring in immigrants from the shores to indoors, was given to us, freely by the Elendari. They are the Elven lead militia and army, who's purpose is to usher new immigrants towards the inland, while holding back armies and large scale hordes from destroying every single one of us. They are the lead in the frontlines, where brave women and men serve together to keep back the most powerful forces. (They wear armor and green military taberds with an elaborate elvish symbol in gold.)
Please give a neutral respect to them, we owe them this. They ask nothing more than to return the respect they have given us.
We would be living in tents in the open marshes, surrounded by tormented ghosts, Drow Worshipers, hordes, Liches and more with barely any vital resources such as farms or even water. Believe me, I and few of us lived it. You do not have to concern yourselfs with food or poisoned water, New HAven is a luxury. Please appreciate what we have. It was given to us freely by them.
You don't have to like the Elendari or kneel to them, but at the very least, respect them and do not initiate an attack on them. It's the least you can do to keep our alliance intact.
Violation of these rules in any way is punishable by death.
I must however, contest against this. Things are not always black and white. Drow, Norrats and aggressive Assassins and Orcs is easily understood an enemy that must be pushed, removed and if there's no other choice, destroyed. That part is easily understood and I agreed, any who serve them IS an enemy to New Haven, and should be banished or removed.
But there are many here in the past who have misjudged an enemy or an allie in disguise.
We've been tricked, robbed, assaulted, blamed and bamboozled by very cunning enemies. We shouldn't punish our civilians if they make a mistake. Should something be as obviously a threat, then do defend yourselves. But we've had rare circumstances where a moral judgement is made and death is not the answer.
A sudden death sentence works for the Elendari, because they are a militia, an Army.
Marshall Law suits them.
But we are not, we are a community, a town, a place where farmers, festivals and now temples thrive.Some situations require assessments, questions, inquisitions, and if needed a Trail.
Let us not remind what happen to Rothe, also known as Tiro Knightfall, a greyloc and dear friend, who was punished severely, without trail or even proper a inquisition. I watched two years ago, a council of 'law' decided to irradiate each and every one of his soul shards, a warrior who sacraficed his life to save us from many threats in the past. He was guilty without a chance to speak on his innocence.
It broke us, destroyed us and ruined our community.
He was our friend, and the judgement of the few nearly irradiated him.
A force of Kierna herself, kept him alive today. A sign of what we did was wrong even in the eyes of the Elders.
This harsh judgement, shaken our community so much that we have lived in anarchy ever since.
Until today, that case was left open and broken. He left our community so he would not be a threat to us anymore, out of his own free will.
Greylocs are unable to help themselves should a drow enforce themselves upon them. As we police ourselves, I ask, no I beg, that you all take moments to decide deeply the sudden conclusions and a better way to address a situation without bloodshed. Some situations are clear, others are not.
But should you find a Greyloc without a tattoo mark on their neck, know you are before a Velnidir, the elite and cunning force of the Drow Assassins.
These Greylocs are not slaves, but willingly and half-free to participate in assassinations, they -love- what they do! Do not talk to them, do not trust them. They are incredibly skilled in using emotional empathy to have their way. Always check for their tattoos.
Greyloc is but one example of these grey areas,...
This can happen to any of our own civilians, regardless of race. And some of us, work in the shadows to find information....I know there are few of you. It's easy to make a mistake in this broken world.
I ask not to enforce death and killing of our people without thought. Either New Haven citizens or farmers, if something looks wrong, do not kill on site!
I ask when complications of guilt arise among ourselves (not the Exiled races), to access the situation, ask questions, find proof, have trails and facts of their actions before assuming anything.
I know that you, Decimus, have this ability, as you respected my request, not to hurt the cannibals who were not attacking but simply traumatized.
I thank you for this, and ask everyone to practice good judgement as well.
Lastly, I ask, that if we are to insist to Respect the Elendari, that we too should ask to respect the lives of our OWN civilians and farmers of New Haven.
I do not know who can enforce such things, to keep others from murdering one another, but I ask to do so with morality, mercy and justice that would make it beneficial for everyone's safety.
I request a Phoenix Charter to discuss this further, to peacefully placate how we can transition to this period of new Laws in New Haven without conflict or anxiety.
I wish not to see two sides against each other, we are at War with the Exiles, we can not afford a quarrel in our own town. Our enemies would take advantage of this.
You. And each and every one of you, are needed and deserve a place to rest in safety and comfort.
Let us discuss openly, respectfully with each other among us with harmony and understanding.
Not everything is black and white and no one should rule over the other.
Personal thoughts....
Please know, that all I want is a home like the rest of you.
I harbor no desire for position, control, or even vindication.
I favor no side in New Haven except my Eldest. I want you all to be safe, to thrive, to love, to build your homes....
I may be a priestess, as I fight and heal beside you all, but in the end, I am just a peasant girl, a woman and a mortal.
I too weep and bleed, and desire a family.
But a town working on Marshall Law alone, without asking questions, without trails on complicated unproven matters? It not only creates a hostile environment but breeds no ethics or compassion.
Please, use your heads and hearts.
Listen to one another.
Support each other.
May the Light be with you all.
Regards, Aleena Cloudlily,....
Priestess of Inil